Using Auto Focus
'II_e c_mce_:der i:ocuses _J;le_bicct bt the ce!_de_o{ @_evic,vvfi_der or L(.L} m4>_Litor at_LomalicaI]y ml_ess the
manuai focus is eag_Sed. !{ "f,O( US' appears in l]-_e viev,,'f_ _der o_" om t_e I,C'T) mop, X:or, mnua! focus _s
cs_ga£ed. Press !}_,eF(.)(USiVOL, c)ntro} butt< ns imultaneous!y to return to a_4o fbo_s. See "Using
Good N_ good
The auto focus wil not wold< under" lhe fc4lo_ ing condition,s and you must [ecus ma_mally:
Objec[s a,_ts de [he cen[et of
@_eviewfinder o_:ICD meni-
Objeds wf_h If_[le differenc_
I ill ig]-_ ref!ectio_ sucB as a
_ .... white w aJl
f::<___/ Objects at differel_t distances
! _M_'" -r I ll:_ t]te center' of the view
Rapidly moving objects
Brlghtty kit objects such as a
neon light, obieets lit by sp@>
lig_[, etc
Dark obiects
i ,:._4][,_j_ dappled e_: dusty glass
Note: WiththeTzoomcontrotyoL can uselhe
(suto focus with subjecls that are 3.3 feet
(_00 cm) away fFot_ i'P,e[e¢_sc_p,dJfustY'e{ a\.vay
to infinity. With ,_e W zoom control you ea_h
use the auto fecus with subjects 3/8 inches
0 cm) oway [rc.m the }ens a_d further away to