Using Audio/Video Dubbing
Use <]udio/'¢£Jeo <_eDb rig _o record GL_,d{O _7<_C'lvideO ff©<n f.,;0e COl-qeo,_doYs btt£_ e F_orophone <][_d
cameorder onto a previoudy recorded to/be in #_ecomoordet:
PLAY Button
STOP B_;tton
2 Insert a previously recerded tape ir_ d_e cam-
buttons to find _he ptacx:_,,*,here yoe _tant k>slop
RESET button1oset_:he!inear tholecoun{e_:{o
"(: )O'OOM',
5 Use theR]]WandPI_AYbuHons[ofind v_h,_&
6 Place d_e CAM/OFF/VIDEO switc[h teCAM
positiorl. The record pause indicator "OIl"
appears and the camcorder is read}, {orecord.
7 Press and hold the Ai V DUB bet[en, [hen press
PLAY. This places lhe caeqcerde_: AiV DI/B
pause *node. "@I1" disappears replaced by
"AiV DUB I1".
8 Press the Start,iS!:ep but{on on _he camcorder or
STAR'I/STOP (PAUSE) en {he remo{e control.
The audio/video dubbing sla.rts. When the lir_
ear dine counter reaches "0:00:00M" _he cam-
corder steps automatically, recording only ll'_e
pordon of the ape that you selec[ed.
No_'e: If _he,camcorder isi_ AV OUBpouse or
S]-ILLmode fe_more than 5 rninu_es, the cam-
corder stops automatically to p<o_ecf_hetape
Note: Wbe_3,%eoudio/video d<bbed poff!en is
played beck, nose ;nay appear <stthe end of
the dubbed portion
VM-D975LA/VM-D875LA/VM-D873LA E53