
Using Fade
U_e #_e fGde ;botur_ fc oJd o p_otbss!oqoi t'.?ucf'_ Te your reco_cding& Une 2_e FAD_ bu_?o_ _eselect o_e
of €he s_3:fade optior s
Note; if you press the EFFECT button after seffing _e fade function, the fade function wl be re!eased,
After seibng _i_especioi effecl mode, reset ff_e fade unclioD,
Note: The fade fupctiop canner be used in the P_oto mode.
* Whike fade: Fades _n @am a whJ_escreen or fades out _oawhi_e screen. ' ;._i" appears _n he upper
[ef[ comer of _e vie_s _9_der or LCD monitor.
Fade in
Fade Out __%t,_J_:
Wipe fade: The pictureopens gradua]]) from t!'wcenlerola black screen erclosesin[othecenterto _
black screen. '} _, " appears :i{_the upper ]e[ cornel: of [he v:iewfh'_der e_" [<D monitor,
Fade in
Fade Ou[ _;-l_
* Mosaic fade; Fades in from a picture in mosaic or {!ades out to a pictui:e h_ mosaic, "MOS,] " appears
in {he upper e[_ *:e net oi the viewfinder or I,CD mordh:_r.
.......... ." ,_" , _ _, Fade In
Fade Ou_ @
Ark fade: I;ades h_ from, ,'_ ad;s cut to a piclure vith the fe_i of an eft _°;/1.4il g. "AR'FF" appear,," m
he upper ]eft cor_e_ el the viewfinder or LCJD mo_'ffte*:
VM-D975LA,IVM,-O875LA/VM_Dg73LA E39