R_cording Tit}Je on _ Tape in _he CaDcorde[
1 ttold down tn small butten o}_ the (A}vl / No_e: Create ctnd store yo_r ttie before e_"
OF, Vt )130 switd_ '_h!e Ji:t _r_,the q,4 _" to e/eri you ;_[o'_ b e_.wc oF_s be, TT.E
(]A,%}. bulton o s _pe rr _ ose 1he tile over 1he sse-e
2 Locd_u t_'_epair of :}w. ta_x _t_ere }_u v, ish fe cs you eced t, ]'_s mehod oods :_rask-_j
_'ec( _d tlse tilde ("_ _s _t, (} _(k Edit," ])43), )rev;o sly recorded i-hater al wbc'_ w_ happen
wl_e[ yOU record o Iti¢_ c_ o prevousy re
ce!ded tope.
ce_'der you have _nep, oxixed on pa$e 46) y_:u
wish to rec(Fd
5 P];ess lh{-, StartiS op bLttt0i_ [e sLt.ft recerdiisg
6 !tess t}l_ TF['L[}._ bu_tor_ t_ st>_ _xc_cding, d_e
tftie_ The tf:k' Frapb}cs d_sappe_r b'om the
view[h'rder or [,CD F_o _ for and t_e ca_ncorder
ca_ rc¢ _rd no; maI )c
Recording a Title while Transferring a Tape ,,
! Ck:,imect Ibe cameo dr, r to the \/C_:_ (s_tes 50
and 5il).
button to set the tgtle.
Pr_s_ the' III.E i:luttozs to turn title off!.
6 P_'ess the f It/ if;button a_. the point o_'_t_e tape
_,ht-le vo_ wis[_ to r_ ford the [[tie
[hxss []-_e rl[,[ [:mtton af,_ai _ to stolp re(o d I/$
the tit1
Ne_e: _ecord[rtg the fife durir;c_ tcb:.e transfer
wi!l erase o par ion of yokr recorded r x_ era
Note: !f tie CAM!OF}:/V[DEO switch s set to
VDEO, the title w!i o;,_[)eer ory i_ wihit('.
_'[urn e-i dine VCR JId set it tc record. Mo!d
do'_'n he sinai]; b_'tton en the CA[_4iO[["i
VIDEO swfk:h while s][di $ t}le svdfcb t'J
,_}t.(. tress P[,A¥ on the camcorde/:.