Configuring System Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
LLDP-MED Interface Configuration
To display this page, click System LLDP LLDP-MED Interface Configuration. A screen
similar to the following displays.
To configure LLDP-MED interface settings:
1. To configure LLDP-MED settings on one or more interfaces, select the check box
associated with each interface to configure, or select the check box in the heading row
to apply the same settings to all interfaces.
2. Use MED Status to specify whether LLDP-MED mode is enabled or disabled on this
3. Use Notification Status to specify the LLDP-MED topology notification mode of the
4. Use Transmit Type Length Values to specify which optional type length values (TLVs) in
the LLDP-MED will be transmitted in the LLDP PDUs frames for the selected interface:
• MED Capabilities - To transmit the capabilities TLV in LLDP frames.
• Network Policy - To transmit the network policy TLV in LLDP frames.
• Location Identification - To transmit the location TLV in LLDP frames.
• Extended Power via MDI - PSE - To transmit the extended PSE TLV in LLDP frames.
• Extended Power via MDI - PD - To transmit the extended PD TLV in LLDP frames.
• Inventory Information - To transmit the inventory TLV in LLDP frames.
The following table describes the LLDP-MED Interface Configuration fields.
Field Description
Link Status Specifies the link status of the ports whether it is Up/Down.
Operational Status Specifies the LLDP-MED TLVs are transmitted or not on this interface.