Managing Device Security
ProSafe M5300 Switch
• Use Source L4 Port to specify a packet's source layer 4 port as a match condition for
the selected IPv6 ACL rule. Source port information is optional. Source port
information can be specified in two ways:
• Select keyword “other” from the drop down menu and specify the number of the
port in the range from 0 to 65535.
• Select one of the keyword from the list: DOMAIN, ECHO, FTP, FTPDATA, HTTP,
SMTP, SNMP, TELNET, TFTP, and WWW. Each of these values translates into its
equivalent port number, which is used as both the start and end of the port range.
• Use Destination Prefix/Prefix Length to enter up to 128-bit prefix combined with
prefix length to be compared to a packet's destination IP Address as a match criteria
for the selected IPv6 ACL rule. Prefix length can be in the range 0 to 128.
• Use Destination L4 Port to specify a packet's destination layer 4 port as a match
condition for the selected IPv6 ACL rule. Destination port information is optional.
Destination port information can be specified in two ways:
• Select keyword “other” from the drop down menu and specify the number of the
port in the range from 0 to 65535.
• Select one of the keyword from the list: DOMAIN, ECHO, FTP, FTPDATA, HTTP,
SMTP, SNMP, TELNET, TFTP, and WWW. Each of these values translates into its
equivalent port number, which is used as both the start and end of the port range.
• Flow label is 20-bit number that is unique to an IPv6 packet, used by end stations to
signify quality-of-service handling in routers. Flow label can specified within the range
(0 to 1048575).
• Use IPv6 DSCP Service to specify the IP DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) field. The
DSCP is defined as the high-order six bits of the Service Type octet in the IPv6
header. This is an optional configuration. Enter an integer from 0 to 63. The IPv6
DSCP is selected by possibly selection one of the DSCP keyword from a drop-down
menu. If a value is to be selected by specifying its numeric value, then select the
Other option in the drop-down menu and a text box will appear where the numeric
value of the DSCP can be entered.
• Rate Limit Conform Data Rate — Specify the allowed transmission rate for frames
on the interface
• Rate Limit Burst Size — Specify the number of bytes allowed in a temporary traffic
burst (Burst Rate).
• Time Range — Select the name of the time range that will impose a time limitation on
the ACL rule. If a time range with the specified name does not exist, and the ACL
containing this ACL rule is associated with an interface, the ACL rule is applied
immediately. If a time range with specified name exists, and the ACL containing this
ACL rule is associated with an interface, the ACL rule is applied when the time-range
with specified name becomes active. The ACL rule is removed when the time-range
with specified name becomes inactive.
4. Click APPLY to add the ACL rule with the specified criteria.
5. Use DELETE to select the check box of the rule you want to delete and click DELETE.