Field Description
Current Number of SSH Sessions Displays the number of SSH connections currently in use in the
Keys Present Displays which keys, RSA, DSA or both, are present (if any).
Managing Device Security
ProSafe M5300 Switch
Host Keys Management
Use this menu to generate or delete RSA and DSA keys.
To display the Host Keys Management page, click Security
Access > SSH Host Keys
To configure the SSH host key information:
1. Host Keys Management - None is the default selection.
2. Use Generate RSA Keys to begin generating the RSA host keys. Note that to generate
SSH key files SSH must be administratively disabled and there can be no active SSH
3. Use DELETE RSA Keys to delete the corresponding RSA key file, if it is present.
4. DSA Keys Management - None is the default selection.
5. Use Generate DSA Keys to begin generating the DSA host keys. Note that to generate
SSH key files SSH must be administratively disabled and there can be no active SSH
6. Use DELETE DSA Keys to delete the corresponding DSA key file, if it is present.
7. Click APPLY to start to download the Host Key file. Note that to download SSH key files
SSH must be administratively disabled and there can be no active SSH sessions.
8. Click REFRESH to refresh the web page to show the latest SSH Sessions.