Field Description
LAG Description A description string attached to a LAG..
LAG ID Identification of the LAG.
LAG State Indicates whether the Link is up or down.
Configured Ports Indicate the ports that are members of this port-channel
Active Ports Indicates the ports that are actively participating in the port-channel.
Configuring Switching Information
ProSafe M5300 Switch
LAG Membership
Use the LAG Membership page to select two or more full-duplex Ethernet links to be
aggregated together to form a link aggregation group (LAG), which is also known as a
port-channel. The switch can treat the port-channel as if it were a single link.
To access the LAG Membership page, click Switching
LAG LAG Membership. The
following figure shows LAG 1 with ports 6, 7, and 8 as members.
To configure LAG Membership information:
1. Use LAG ID to select the identification of the LAG.
2. Use LAG Name to enter the name you want assigned to the LAG. You may enter any string
of up to 15 alphanumeric characters. A valid name has to be specified in order to create the
3. Use LAG Description to enter the Description string to be attached to a LAG. It can be up
to 64 characters in length.
4. Use Admin Mode to select enable or disable from the pull-down menu. When the LAG is
disabled no traffic will flow and LACPDUs will be dropped, but the links that form the LAG
will not be released. The factory default is enable.