
Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)
Operations Manual
Adjusting the Radar Heading Line Rotation
This process allows you to align the radar transceiver with the center line of the
vessel and only needs to be set once. This is a different function than aligning your
heading sensor so make sure you are adjusting the radar’s physical heading line to
match the center line of your vessel.
One way to do this is to simply eyeball the difference. However, it is easiest to do
this using the radar overlay feature. If the charted land does not appear to line up
correctly with the radar return for the same land mass, use the rotate scroll bar to
adjust the rotation angle until the overlaid image aligns correctly.
Remember: Make sure you have a heading sensor connected to
the PC. Without a heading sensor, the Nobeltec software cannot
align the image correctly onto the chart. To check if you have
heading connected and that data is being sent to your Nobeltec
software, add the Heading console item to the console and verify
that it does not read N/A. (Tools | Options | Console | Heading
check box).
To adjust this setting, Start the Nobeltec charting software and launch the InSight
Radar window. Once it is open and displaying a radar image, click on the Radar
drop down menu then on the Initial Radar Setup option.
Once in this window, use the spinner buttons or the slider to line up the image.
Remember: The Radar Heading Line is a one-time setup. Once
you have it corrected, there should not be a regular need to
adjust this setting. Alignment issues while underway are typically
a function of compass deviation challenges.
Setting up IR2