
Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)
Operations Manual
Setting the Auto Gain Preset
The auto gain function automatically preserves the look of the image based on the
auto gain preset. You must first adjust the auto gain preset before adjusting the auto
sea settings. Once the auto gain is set, it will be set for all ranges.
Follow these steps to adjust the Auto Gain preset:
1) Click and depress the Auto Gain toolbar button .
2) To adjust the image quality, right click in the InSight Radar window and select
Adjust Radar Presets
3) Adjust the auto gain control down if the image looks too strong. Adjust the auto
gain control up if the image looks too faint.
4) Click OK once the image looks good.
Setting the Auto Sea Clutter Preset
The Auto Sea function adjusts the image to dynamically compensate for changing
sea state due to wind or swells. The radar evaluates the type of echoes returned
and more Sea Clutter control is applied from the center going out on the image. One
benefit of the Auto Sea setting is that if the sea state increases due to wind, more
Sea Clutter control is applied on the leeward side of the image to counteract the
wave chop on that side of the vessel.
Auto Sea is a combination of two modes: Harbor Sea Clutter and Auto Sea Clutter
control. When the range of the radar is 1 mile or less, the program places the radar
in the Harbor Sea Clutter mode; over 1 mile and the program switches the radar to
Auto Sea Clutter mode.
Harbor Sea Clutter is applied in situation where Auto Sea Clutter control does
not work well; in environments where strong echoes are returned from land or
nearby buildings. Unlike the Auto Sea Clutter mode, this mode does not attempt to
dynamically adjust the Sea Clutter application, but rather applies a static Sea Clutter
control value based on the Harbor Sea Clutter preset.
As with the Auto Gain setting, the Auto Sea Clutter applies to all ranges. But due to
the nature of Sea Clutter application, it is applied based on the STC Curve profile
set below and generally has greater application closer to the vessel.
Setting up IR2