
Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)
Operations Manual
Remember: The Auto Range feature keeps the chart scale
and the radar range in sync, making it easy to understand the
radar in context with the chart. To change the radar range, simply
zoom out using any of the charting zoom tools, including the plus
and minus keys on your keyboard.
Cursor Ghosting
When in SplitScreen mode, one way to compare the electronic chart and the radar
is to use a function called Cursor Ghosting. If Cursor Ghosting is enabled in the
Radar tab of the program Options, then moving your cursor over the radar or chart
creates another cursor in the other window in the same relative position. Cursor
Ghosting is particularly useful when trying to understand more about certain radar
targets. By hovering your mouse cursor over the radar target in question, you can
see its exact location on the chart.
Rejecting Radar Interference
Radar Interference Rejection: Interference Rejection (IR) is a setting that
reduces the interference caused by radar signals from other radar units
operating in the same frequency band as your radar. There are four IR
options. Off, 1 (weak), 2 (middle) and 3 (strong). The higher you set IR, the less
interference you will receive. In order to not miss weak targets, make sure to turn
interference rejection off when no interference exists.
Chapter 3
Working with IR2