
Nobeltec InSight Radar (IR2)
Operations Manual
Auto SEA (4kW and Higher)
Based on the Radar Presets, the Auto SEA function is designed for hands
free operation of the radar. By setting the SEA preset (as described in the
chapter titled Setting up the InSight Radar) the software adjusts to the
changing weather conditions to maintain the radar quality. The effect of Auto SEA
varies based upon range and conditions.
Reducing Precipitation Clutter (Rain)
The vertical beam width of the radar antenna allows you to see targets on the
surface even when a ship is rolling. This feature, however, can have the side effect
of confusing rain, snow or other conditions with real targets. Increasing the Rain
value helps to discriminate between weather and solid returns.
Use the Rain Up and Rain Down keys to reduce the effect of weather
or other meteorological phenomenon on your radar image. Be careful not to
increase the rain value too much as it can filter out real targets with the weather.
Rain Clutter control is still effective when the Gain is lowered.
If you are using the 2kW Dome model, the Rain Up and Rain Down actually turn
Rain Clutter on and off. The Rain Up button turns Rain Clutter on and the Rain
Down button turns it off.
Chapter 3
Working with IR2