
DM 0000 to DM 0007 contain the control data and DM 0098 to DM 0199 contain
the command data, as shown below.
Word Content Function
DM 0000 --- Control data
DM 0001 47 3A ASCII: G :
DM 0002 5C 44 ASCII: \ D
DM 0003 4D 53 ASCII: M S
DM 0004 41 56 ASCII: A V
DM 0005 45 2E ASCII: E .
DM 0006 44 41 ASCII: D A
DM 0007 54 ASCII: T
Word Content Function
DM 0098 0102 Write data length: 102 (hexadecimal)
DM 0099 0000 Offset: 0
DM 0100 --- Data to be written
DM 0199 --- Data to be written
Special I/O Unit Instructions Section 5-29