The “Operand” parameter indicates the data area where the SV is stored or a
constant. The “SV” parameter indicates the word address or the SV itself if it is a
Classification Constant or
word address
C I O (Space) IR or SR 0000 to 0511
L R (Space) (Space) LR 0000 to 0063
H R (Space) (Space) HR 0000 to 0099
A R (Space) (Space) AR 0000 to 0027
D M (Space) (Space) DM 0000 to 6655
D M (Space) DM (indirect) 0000 to 6655
C O N (Space) Constant 0000 to 9999
E M (Space) (Space) EM 0000 to 6143
E M (Space) EM (indirect) 0000 to 6143
Limitations The command is valid only when the UM setting is ladder only.
The command can’t be executed if the UM area is read-protected.
PC Settings
PC Mode UM Area
RUN MONITOR PROGRAM Write-protected Read-protected
Execution Conditions
Commands Responses
Single Multiple Single Multiple
OK --- OK ---
End Codes An end code of 04 (address over) will be returned if the program address is
above the highest program address but less than 65,536 (32,767 in the
An end code of 14 (format error) will be returned if the length of the command is
An end code of 15 (entry number data error) will be returned if the program ad-
dress isn’t specified in BCD or the operand/SV parameters are incorrect.
An end code of 16 (command not supported) will be returned if the specified
instruction doesn’t exist in the program.
End code Contents
00 Normal completion
04 Address over
13 FCS error
14 Format error
15 Entry number data error
16 Command not supported
18 Frame length error
23 User memory protected
Host Link Commands
Section 10-3