Instruction OFF execution time (µs)ON execution time (µs)ConditionsInstruction
SDEC(78) When decoding a word to a word 26.95 41.65 0.313 0.469 0.938
When decoding 2 digits DM to DM 63.3 78
When decoding 4 digits DM to DM 71.7 86.4
Word ÷ word → word (equals 0)
62.3 77 0.313 0.469 0.938
Word ÷ word → word (doesn’t equal 0)
499 513.7
DM ÷ DM → DM
843 857.7
DIST(80) Constant → (word + (word)) 27.65 42.35 0.313 0.469 0.938
DM → (DM + (DM)) 61.5 76.2
COLL(81) (Word + (word)) → word 28.75 43.45 0.313 0.469 0.938
(DM + (DM)) → DM 64.3 79
When transferring a constant to a word 17.35 32.05 0.313 0.469 0.938
When transferring word to a word 19.45 34.15
When transferring DM to DM 52.9 67.6
When transferring a constant to a word 16.95 31.65 0.313 0.469 0.938
When transferring word to a word 18.25 32.95
When transferring DM to DM 54.3 69
When shifting 1 word 20.05 34.75 0.313 0.469 0.938
When shifting 1,024 DM using DM 1.1 ms (see
note 2)
When shifting 6,144 DM using DM 6.37 ms (see
note 2)
Comparing to words in a designated
37.25 51.95 0.313 0.469 0.938
Comparing to words in a designated table 38.1 52.8
Comparing DM → DM-designated
69.1 83.8
ASC(86) Between words 30.1 44.8 0.313 0.469 0.938
Between DM 78.3 93
SEND(90) 1-word transmit 60.9 75.6 0.313 0.469 0.938
1000-word transmit 99.2 113.9
SBS(91) --- 22.1 36.8 0.313 0.469 0.938
SBN(92) --- --- --- 0.313 0.469 0.938
RET(93) --- 20.9 35.6 0.313 0.469 0.938
WDT(94) --- 10.55 25.25 0.313 0.469 0.938
IORF(97) 1-word refresh 110 (IN), 170
110 (IN),
0.313 0.469 0.938
30-word refresh 2002 2000.9
RECV(98) 1-word refresh 67.1 67.1 0.313 0.469 0.938
1000-word refresh 105.8 105.8
MCRO(99) Designating a word parameter 38.5 53.2 0.313 0.469 0.938
Designating a DM parameter 58.2 72.9
When resetting 1 word 24.95 39.65 0.313 0.469 0.938
Default: (17)
When shifting 1 word using DM 29.05 43.75
Default: (17)
When shifting 10 word using DM 39.9 54.6
SCAN(––) Constant for SV 18.65 33.35 0.313 0.469 0.938
Default: (18) DM for SV 30.45 45.15
MCMP(––) Comparing 2 words, result word 60.3 75 0.313 0.469 0.938
Default: (19) Comparing 2 DM, result DM 93 107.7
Instruction Execution Times Section 6-3