
9-1 Alarm Indicators
The ALM/ERR indicator on the front of the CPU Unit provides visual indication of
an abnormality in the PC. When the indicator is ON (ERROR), a fatal error (i.e.,
ones that will stop PC operation) has occurred; when the indicator is flashing
(ALARM), a nonfatal error has occurred. This indicator is shown in 2-1-1 CPU
Unit Indicators.
WARNING The PC will turn ON the ALM/ERR indicator, stop program execution, and turn
OFF all outputs from the PC for most hardware errors, for certain fatal software
errors, or when FALS(07) is executed in the program (see tables on following
pages). PC operation will continue for all other errors. It is the users
responsibility to take adequate measures to ensure that a hazardous situation
will not result from automatic system shutdown for fatal errors and to ensure that
proper actions are taken for errors for which the system is not automatically shut
down. System flags and other system and/or user-programmed error
indications can be used to program proper actions.
9-2 Programmed Alarms and Error Messages
FAL(06), FALS(07), and MSG(46) can be used in the program to provide user-
programmed information on error conditions. With these three instructions, the
user can tailor error diagnosis to aid in troubleshooting.
FAL(06) is used with a FAL number other than 00, which is output to the SR area
when FAL(06) is executed. Executing FAL(06) will not stop PC operation or di-
rectly affect any outputs from the PC.
FALS(07) is also used with a FAL number, which is output to the same location in
the SR area when FALS(07) is executed. Executing FALS(07) will stop PC op-
eration and will cause all outputs from the PC to be turned OFF.
When FAL(06) is executed with a function number of 00, the current FAL number
contained in the SR area is cleared and replaced by another, if more have been
stored in memory by the system.
When MSG(46) is used a message containing specified data area words is dis-
played onto the Programming Console or another Programming Device.
The use of these instructions is described in detail in Section 5 Instruction Set.
9-3 Reading and Clearing Errors and Messages
System error messages can be displayed onto the Programming Console or
other Programming Device.
On the Programming Console, press the CLR, FUN, and MONTR keys. If there
are multiple error messages stored by the system, the MONTR key can be
pressed again to access the next message. If the system is in PROGRAM mode,
pressing the MONTR key will clear the error message, so be sure to write down
all message errors as you read them. (It is not possible to clear an error or a mes-
sage while in RUN or MONITOR mode; the PC must be in PROGRAM mode.)
When all messages have been cleared, ERR CHK OK will be displayed.
Details on accessing error messages from the Programming Console are pro-
vided in 7-1 Monitoring Operation and Modifying Data. Procedures for the SSS
are provided in the SSS Operation Manual: C Series respectively.
Reading and Clearing Errors and Messages Section 9-3