A guide box corresponding to the size of the numeral display will appear.
Designate the display position on the screen with the cross-shaped cursor
and press the Enter Key. You cannot make a setting that will cause the guide
box to extend from the screen.
You can delete or modify previously input numeral displays. The procedures
for these operations are the same as those for deleting and modifying char-
acter strings. Refer to appropriate subsections of
2-1 Inputting Character
for details.
2-2-2 Direct Connection Numeral Displays
Creating Use the following procedure to create a direct connection numeral display.
1, 2, 3...
1. Select NUM DISP from the Initial Edit Display, a list of the numeral dis-
plays already existing in the current screen will be displayed.
2. Specify the number to be used in the table. This is not the numeral table
and the numbers do not correspond to item numbers in the numeral
table. When a number is specified, a display to set direct or indirect ref-
erencing will appear.
Designating Display
Deleting and Modifying
Numeral Displays Section 2-2