LETE or MODIFY. The modification procedure is basically the same as the
creation procedure given above.
2-5 Touch Switches
A touch switch can be set by designating the size, display position, and a
label. You can set a maximum of 64 touch switches per screen for the
NT20M and 128 for the NT600M.
The procedure for creating touch switches depends on whether or not direct
connection is ON or OFF in the Tool Settings. Both procedures are given be-
2-5-1 Normal Touch Switches
If you select TOUCH SW from the Initial Edit Display, the Initial Touch Switch
Display will appear.
Initial Touch Switch Display
Designating Area The size and display position of the touch switch must be specified. The
touch switch area is set by designating diagonal corners (the starting and
ending points) of a rectangle on a grid.
Starting point
Ending point
1, 2, 3...
1. Designate the starting point.
2. Designate the ending point.
The touch switch settings are input after the area has been designated.
Note Although you can set touch switches that overlap lamps or other touch
switches inverse displays may not be displayed properly.
Touch Switches Section 2-5