3. You can continue inputting or changing setting for other string table en-
tires when finished with the first one.
4. When you are finished editing, press the Escape Key.
Words and Numeric Data When setting word addresses for numeral or string tables, the number of PC
words to be used and the address of the first word are input. For example, for
numeral table entires, one word can be specified to use from 1 to 4 digits and
two words can be specified to used from 5 to 8 digits. If two words are speci-
fied and DM 0100 is specified as the first word, the following PC data will be
DM 0101 DM 0100
Specified wordNext higher word
Registered words
Set the leftmost digit to F to specify negative values. The example on the left
in the following diagram shows the setting for –12345; the example on the
right, for –123.
DM 0101 DM 0100
Specified wordNext higher word
Registered words
DM 0100
Specified word
Registered word
Caution The input format for initial values for numeral tables is the same as the data
storage format for PC memory when direct connection is being used. This
format, however, differs form that used when direct connection is not being
2-8 Numeral Editing
Screens can be create that allow numeric inputs from the PT to the host.
These screens are called numeral editing screens. Input values are desig-
nated on-screen via function keys or touch switches or from Expansion I/O
Units (32/64 Terminals or 12-key Function Key Units). The number of digits
that can be input and the number of digits transmitted to the host can be set.
Also, the Keypad setting in the screen attributes can be set to “user” to en-
able flexible layout of input keys
A maximum of 50 numeral edit settings can be made per screen.
The procedure for creating numeral editing areas depends on whether or not
direct connection is ON or OFF in the Tool Settings. Both procedures are giv-
en below.
Note 1. Numeral editing screens cannot be used as child screens for continuous
2. Numeral editing cannot be used if bit input is enabled in the display attrib-
utes for PT with function keys or without touch switches.
Numeral Editing Section 2-8