The function keys are used as described in the following table.
Function Keys
Key Key Function
F1 Mark
Reference (Mk
Displays designated marks on the reference
F2 Copy (Copy) Copies a designated rectangular area on the
creation display to another position.
F3 Reference
Copy (RCopy)
Copies a designated rectangular area on the
reference display to a designated position on
the creation display.
F4 Area Set (Set) Sets all of the dots for a designated rectangular
area on the Creation Display.
F5 Area Clear
Clears all of the dots for a designated
rectangular area on the creation display.
F6 Inverse (Inv) Reverses the status of all of the dots on the
creation display.
F7 Save (Save) Registers, as a mark, data which is displayed
on the creation display.
Setting and Clearing Dots To set or clear dots, move the cursor with the direction keys, and then press
the Shift Key. Pressing the Shift Key will clear dots at the cursor position
which are set, and set dots at the cursor position which are cleared. By oper-
ating the direction keys while continuing to hold down the Shift Key, you can
set or clear a continuous series of dots. The results of setting or clearing dots
are always displayed inside of brackets at the top of the creation display.
Dots can also be set and clear using the mouse. Use the left mouse button to
set dots and the right mouse button to clear them. Dots will be continuously
set or cleared if the mouse button is held down while moving the mouse.
Mark Reference F1 is used to display designated marks on the Reference Display. You can
copy the contents of the reference display to the creation display with F3
(Reference Copy). (See page 84.)
1, 2, 3...
1. Press F1 (Mark Reference), to display the Mark List Display.
2. The mark you have input will be displayed on the Reference Display.
Marks Section 2-14