creating 125, 126
albums. See photo albums;
video albums
alert buttons 90
Alert dialog box 48, 90, 161
alert icon 76
alert tones 70, 95
clearing 48, 162
displaying 162
hiding text in 94
receiving 48, 90
responding to 90, 214
aligning the screen 190
Alt key 35
alternate characters 35, 36
answering phone 47, 54, 68
antenna 239
application categories 191
application list view 191
See also specific built-in
app; third-party apps
accessing menus in 31
assigning to buttons 62,
assigning to Quick Keys
beaming 172
changing default 192
closing 37, 232
copying 182
customizing 190–193
deleting manually 168
displaying 38, 191
downloading 102
getting help with 5
highlighting 38
installing 164–166
opening 37–38, 181
playing music and 132
removing 167, 215
running on expansion
cards 230
searching in 161
selecting 38
sending over Bluetooth
devices 170
switching between 51
synchronizing 20, 25, 173
transferring 19
uninstalling 167–168
upgrading and 20, 207
viewing information about
Applications button 37, 38,
Applications View 38, 191
appointments 220
Archive folder 167
area codes 72
area conversions 163
arrow icons 29
attachments 153, 231
attendee information 140
audio. See music; sounds;
voice memos
audio adapters 64
Audio Caption command 120
Auto answer pick list 68
Auto Lock Device option 197
Auto naming pick list 122
Auto-complete option 105
Auto-hide Toolbar option 124
Auto-Keyguard pick list 194
automating tasks
Auto-off After pick list 201
auto-off interval 235
back icon (browser) 100
background images 142
background music 125
backing up information 19,
24, 211, 215
backlight 33, 188, 202
Gandalf_VZW_UG.book Page 250 Monday, February 25, 2008 10:50 PM