assigning caller IDs to
assigning favorites to 61
categorizing 57
changing info for 57
creating 57
deleting 60
entering info for 56, 57
getting directions for 58
looking up 44, 61
marking as private 57
saving info for 52, 91
searching for 57, 69
selecting 46
sorting 57
synchronizing 25
viewing details about 45
Contacts application 25, 56,
57, 188
Contacts button 57
Contacts list 46, 57
conversion functions
(calculator) 162, 163
cookies 105, 106
Copy button 182
Copy command 104, 182
Copy Items dialog box 126
Copy items to pick list 126
Copy To pick list 182
Copy to Ringtone command
applications 182
phone numbers 43, 104
photos or videos 126
text 91, 104
copyrighted materials 125
corporate email accounts
85, 86, 202
corporate servers 202
country-specific preferences.
See language settings
coupling 222
coverage area 15, 75, 222
coverage area alerts 71
Coverage in/out pick list 71
crashes 214
Create chats from messages
pick list 94
application categories 191
bookmarks 100
business cards 60
contacts 57
events 138, 139
partnerships 65, 110, 116
passwords 197
playlists 132, 133
private entries 197
speed-dial buttons 61–62
text memos 155
text messages 88–89
voice captions 120, 127
voice memos 156
wallpaper 127
current date and time 144
current events 69
Current Privacy pick list 198
customer service (Palm) 5
customer service (Verizon
Wireless) 48
customizing device 185
See also preferences
daily events 143
data service icons 75, 99
data service options 4
data services 81, 88, 99
databases 161, 164
Date & Time Preferences
screen 139, 200
date formats 189
Date stamp pick list 122
See also calendar
adding to photos 122
Gandalf_VZW_UG.book Page 254 Monday, February 25, 2008 10:50 PM