Palm installation tool 237
Palm online support 5
Palm operating system 237,
Palm OS devices 19, 217,
Palm OS software 164
Palm Software Installation
CD 4, 209
partnerships 65, 110, 113,
116, 237
passkeys 64, 65, 111, 114
Password box 196
password hints 197
changing 197, 199
deleting 197
dialing 51, 61
forgetting 196, 199
owner info and 199
private entries and 198
requiring 196
unlocking Centro and 196
voicemail and 49
Paste command 104
phone numbers 43
text 104
Pause button 131
music 131
streamed content 104
video playback 122, 124
voice memos 156, 157
PCs. See computers
PDF files 153
pending alerts 90, 214
pending messages 93, 96
personal information
193, 196, 199
personal information
managers 209, 237
personalizing device 185
See also preferences
See also phone calls;
adding hands-free devices
for 63, 66
adjusting volume 71, 72
answering 47, 54, 68
dialing 43–47, 61, 72
getting started with 16
hanging up 50, 51, 53, 55
listening to music and 47
locking 195
receiving messages and
restrictions for 51
running apps and 51
selecting privacy settings
for 73
selecting tones for 69–70
silencing ringer for 48, 187
troubleshooting 222–224
turning on and off 41, 42
Phone application
accessing Dial Pad in 69
customizing 68
dialing from 46
listening to voicemail in 49
opening 37, 43
overview 39
selecting wallpaper for 68,
switching to Active Call
View from 52
phone book 67
Phone button 37, 47
Phone Call screen
phone calls
See also phone; phone
adding a second 51, 53
disabling screen for 194
encrypting 73
ending 50, 51, 53, 55
Gandalf_VZW_UG.book Page 263 Monday, February 25, 2008 10:50 PM