Chapter 8 : Web and wireless connections 117
When Automatic IP Settings are off: You can manually configure the IP
4 If you turned automatic IP settings off, enter any of the following: IP
Address, Subnet Address, Gateway, and/or DNS Server (addresses
#1 and #2).
5 Ta p Done.
Location Services
The Location Services application provides information about your location
to applications that request it. For example, Google Maps may use your
location information if you need driving directions.
1 Open Location Services .
2 The first time you open Location Services you may be asked to review
and accept the terms of use, and decide whether to allow anonymous
data collection. Tap Next and do the following:
• Review the terms of use.
• If you decide not to allow anonymous data collection, tap the
checkmark to remove it.
• Ta p Agree or Don’t Agree.
3 Decide whether to enable auto locate, or whether you want to be
asked each time an application needs to know your location: Tap
Enable Auto Locate or Ask Each Time.
4 To change settings after you accept the terms of use, tap On or Off for
any of the following:
• Auto Locate: If you turn Auto Locate off and an application
subsequently needs to know your location, a notification appears
asking if the application can identify your location. Tap Allow to turn
on Location Services for that session only.
• Use GPS: Turn on this feature to provide GPS location information to
applications that request it.
• Geotag Photos: If Geotag Photos is turned on, photos are tagged
with the latitude and longitude coordinates of the location in which
they were taken.
• Background Data Collection: Turn on Background Data Collection to
allow the collection of anonymous aggregate location data to
improve the quality of the location services provided to applications
that require them.