
18 Chapter 2 : Basics
Turn everything (the screen and wireless services) on/off
To turn both the screen and wireless services off: Press and hold
power and tap Turn O ff.
To turn both the screen and wireless services back on: Press and hold
power .
Use gestures: tap, swipe, drag, flick, pinch
Gestures are an important, basic part of your phone. They’re easy to learn,
and they make working with the phone fast. You make most gestures with
one finger. For a few, you need two.
To see short animations illustrating how to do gestures, go to palm.com/
support or tap Clips in Help on your phone.
You make gestures in two areas on your phone: the touchscreen and the
gesture area. The gesture area is the black area extending from the bottom
of the screen to halfway down the Center button.
* Gesture area
You also need to know about the Center button. Press the Center button to
do the following:
When you’re working in an application, press Center to see Card view.
Card view shows you all the applications that are currently open,
displayed as a series of cards (small active windows).
When you’re in Card view, press Center to maximize the app in the center
of the view.
Basic gestures
Ta p : Tap with the tip of the finger, fast and firmly, and then immediately lift
your fingertip off the screen. Don’t bear down on what you’re tapping. Don’t
wait for a response; the response comes after you lift your finger. Don’t
linger on the gesture; a tap takes a split second to do.