Chapter 2 : Basics 19
Swipe: A swipe is most often a horizontal gesture, from right to left or left to
right. Do it fast, do it lightly. In a swipe, your fingertip just skims the surface
of the touchscreen or gesture area.
One kind of swipe you’ll use a lot: Back. Make the back gesture from right to
left anywhere in the gesture area. Back takes you up one level from a
detailed view to a more general view of the application you’re working in.
For example, when you finish reading an email message, make the back
gesture to close the message and return to your list of messages. Or when
you finish writing a memo, make the back gesture to close and save the
memo and return to the display of all your memos. When you make the
back gesture in an application and that’s the only screen of that app that’s
open, you minimize the app and go back to Card view. In Web, the back
gesture performs the same function as the back button on the browser,
allowing you to move back through previously viewed pages.
The forward gesture, which is a swipe from left to right anywhere in the
gesture area, allows you to move forward through previously viewed web
pages. Forward is available in Web only.
Drag: Drag is the gesture you make for a slow scroll up and down a list. Slide
your fingertip slowly along the surface—no need to bear down.
One kind of drag that you’ll use a lot brings up Quick Launch when you’re
in an application. This drag gesture begins in the gesture area and ends on
the touchscreen. As your fingertip slowly crosses the border between the
gesture area and the touchscreen, it seems to drag Quick Launch into view.
To open one of the apps in Quick Launch, move your finger to its icon.
When you see the app name appear, lift your finger. The application opens.
You also make the drag gesture as part of a drag and drop.
Flick: As its name tells you, this is a quick gesture, great for scrolling long
lists. Do it fast, do it lightly; as with a swipe, your fingertip just skims the
surface. The faster you flick, the faster and farther you scroll up or down a