16 Chapter 2 : Basics
• Keep your battery away from direct sunlight and other sources of heat.
Temperatures over 45 degrees Celsius can permanently reduce the
capacity and life span of any lithium-ion battery.
• As with any mobile phone, if you are in an area with no wireless coverage,
your phone continues to search for a signal, which consumes power. Turn
off your phone if you are outside a coverage area (see Turn w irele ss
services off (airplane mode)).
• Turn off the Wi-Fi (see Wi-Fi), Bluetooth (see Bluetooth
technology), and GPS (see Location Services) features when you are not
using them.
• If you set up an email account in the Email application, set the interval to
automatically download email to every two hours or less frequently (see
Enter advanced account settings).
• Lower the screen brightness (see Change screen brightness).
• Keep in mind that frequent use of instant messaging (IM) can reduce
battery life.
• Charge your phone whenever you can. Charge it overnight. The battery
has a much longer useful life when it is topped off frequently than when it
is charged after it is fully drained.
• You can buy an extra battery as a spare for long plane trips or periods of
heavy use. To purchase batteries that are compatible with your phone, go
to palm.com/us/products/phones/pre/index.html.
Tu rn th e p ho n e on /o ff
The screen and the wireless services—phone, Bluetooth
technology, and Wi-Fi—of your phone can be turned off and on separately.
This means you can wake up the screen to use just the organizer features of
your device (Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, Memos, and so on) without turning
on the phone and other wireless features. Also, when the screen is turned
off, the phone can be on and ready for you to receive phone calls or
Turn the screen on/off
Turn the screen on and leave the wireless services turned off when you want
to use only the organizer features, for example, when you’re on a plane and
you must turn off all wireless services, but you want to look at your calendar.
To turn the screen on, do one of the following:
• Press power . Drag up to unlock the screen.
• Slide out the keyboard.
• Press Center . This wakes up the screen only when the keyboard is
slid out.
To turn the screen off, press power .
To save power, the screen dims automatically after a period of inactivity,
then turns off. If you’re on a call when the screen dims and turns off, the call
is not affected. To brighten the screen if it has dimmed, tap the screen.
TIP You can set how long the screen stays on during a period of inactivity (see
Set the interval for turning the screen off automatically).