4–Fibre Alliance MIB Objects
connUnitUpTime (
4-10 59047-10 D
connUnitUpTime (
The number of centiseconds since the last unit initialization.
Syntax TimeTicks
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value The time interval since either POST or a reset (not including hotreset
command for the NDCLA feature). POST (Power-On Self-Test) occurs
during Power-On, or hardreset.
connUnitUrl (
URL to launch a management application, if applicable. Otherwise, it’s an empty
string. In a standalone unit, this would be the same as the top-level URL. This has
the same definition as systemURL for keywords. If write is not supported, then the
return value is invalid. This value will be retained across boots.
Syntax DisplayString
Access read-write
Status mandatory
Return Value The switch IP address. For example, Writes not supported,
returns 'NoSuchName".
connUnitDomainId (
24 bit Fibre Channel address ID of this connectivity unit, right justified with leading
zeros if required. This should be set to the Fibre Channel address ID, or if it is a
switch, it would be set to the Domain Controller address. If this value is not
applicable, return all bits set to one.
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value The domain controller address. For example, FF FC 65.