
5–Fabric Element MIB Objects
fcFxPortStackedConnModeAgreed (
59047-10 D 5-19
fcFxPortStackedConnModeAgreed (
A variable indicating whether the FxPort has agreed to support stacked connect
from the Fabric Login. This is only meaningful if the ports are using Class 1
Syntax FcStackedConnMode
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value Always returns none (1).
fcFxPortClass2SeqDelivAgreed (
A variable indicating whether the FxPort has agreed to support Class 2 sequential
delivery from the Fabric Login. This is only meaningful if the ports are using Class
2 service.
Syntax TruthValue
Access read-only
Status Current
Return Value Always returns true (1).
fcFxPortClass3SeqDelivAgreed (
A flag indicating whether the FxPort has agreed to support Class 3 sequential
delivery from the Fabric Login. This is only meaningful if the ports are using Class
3 service.
Syntax TruthValue
Access read-only
Status current
Return Value Always returns true (1).