
4–Fibre Alliance MIB Objects
connUnitNumRevs (
59047-10 D 4-13
connUnitNumRevs (
The number of revisions in the connUnitRevsTable.
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value The number of entries in the revision table. The revision numbers of all
components of the switch. QLogic 5200 = 3, QLogic 5202 = 3, QLogic 5600
= 3, QLogic 5602 = 3, QLogic 9000 Series is dependent on number of
blades installed
connUnitNumZones (
Number of zones defined in connUnitZoneTable.
Access read-only
Status obsolete
Return Value This object is obsolete. Always returns error status "NoSuchName".
connUnitModuleId (
This is a unique ID, persistent between boots, that can be used to group a set of
connUnits together into a module. The intended use would be to create a
connUnit with a connUnitType of “module” to represent a physical or logical group
of connectivity units. Then, the value of the group would be set to the value of
connUnitId for this “container” connUnit. connUnitModuleId should be zeros if this
connUnit is not part of a module.
Syntax FcGlobalId
Access read-only
Status mandatory
Return Value The World Wide Name of the switch followed by 8 bytes of zeros. For
example: 10 00 00 C0 DD 00 71 C9 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00.