
3–MIB-II Objects
snmpInBadCommunityNames (
59047-10 D 3-55
snmpInBadCommunityNames (
The total number of SNMP messages delivered to the SNMP protocol entity which
used a SNMP community name not known to the entity.
Syntax Counter
Access read-only
Status mandatory
snmpInBadCommunityUses (
The total number of SNMP messages delivered to the SNMP protocol entity which
represented an SNMP operation which was not allowed by the SNMP community
named in the message.
Syntax Counter
Access read-only
Status mandatory
snmpInASNParseErrs (
The total number of ASN.1 or BER errors encountered by the SNMP protocol
entity when decoding received SNMP messages.
Syntax Counter
Access read-only
Status mandatory
snmpInTooBigs (
The total number of SNMP PDUs delivered to the SNMP protocol entity and for
which the value of the error-status field is “tooBig”.
Syntax Counter
Access read-only
Status mandatory