7 – SANsurfer iSCSI/FC Router Manager
FI0154601-00 C 7-47
The iSCSI Port IPv6 Settings Panel appears, as shown in Figure 7-38.
Figure 7-38 iSCSI Port IPv6 Settings Panel
4. To configure the iSCSI port IPv6 connection using this dialog box, follow
these steps:
a. Select Enable IPv6 Address to make the fields editable.
b. Specify the iSCSI port IPv6 network settings:
Enter the IPv6 Address 0.
Enter the IPv6 Address 1.
Enter the IPv6 Default Router.
Enter the IPv6 Link Local.
c. If desired, configure the IP address of the iSNS server with which the
router registers the selected iSCSI port:
Select the Enable iSNS check box to make the Server IP
address field editable.
Enter the IP address of the iSNS server in the Server IP address
5. Click Next.