
A – Command Reference
A-30 FI0154601-00 C
Set iSCSI Command
Configures an iSCSI port.
Authority Admin session
Syntax set iscsi [port_num]
Keywords [port_num]
The number of the iSCSI port to be configured.
Examples The following example shows the set iscsi command:
QRouter (admin) #> set iscsi 1
A list of attributes with formatting and current values will follow.
Enter a new value or simply press the ENTER key to accept the current
value. If you wish to terminate this process before reaching the end
of the list press 'q' or 'Q' and the ENTER key to do so.
The following command might cause a loss of connections to both ports.
Configuring iSCSI Port: 1
Port Status (0=Enable, 1=Disable) [Enabled ]
IP Address [ ]
Subnet Mask [ ]
Gateway IP Address [ ]
Target TCP Port No. (Min=1024, Max=65535) [3260 ]
MTU Size (0=Normal, 1=Jumbo, 2=Other) [Normal ]
Window Size (0=8KB, 1=16KB, 2=32KB) [32768 ]
Window Scaling (0=Enable, 1=Disable) [Enabled ]
Window Scaling Factor (Min=0, Max=5) [1 ]
Port Speed (0=Auto, 1=100Mb, 2=1Gb) [Auto ]
Header Digests (0=Enable, 1=Disable) [Enabled ]
Data Digests (0=Enable, 1=Disable) [Enabled ]
VLAN (0=Enable, 1=Disable) [Disabled ]
IPv6 Address 1 [:: ]
IPv6 Address 2 [:: ]
IPv6 Default Router [:: ]
IPv6 Tgt TCP Port No. (Min=1024, Max=65535) [3260 ]