C – Log Messages
Error Log Messages
C-6 FI0154601-00 C
42404 QLIS_ProcessStartTrb: [%d] CmdSN %ld is out of range (%ld
- %ld), Cdb[0] 0x%02X, DataXferLen 0x%x.
41234 QLIS_LoginPduContinue: Operation failed. Initiator 0x%x, TPB
status 0x%x
41238 QLKV_ValidateLoginTransitCsgNsgVersion failed (status 0x%x) 278
41257 QLIS_LoginPduContinue: Invalid initiator name. Initiator: 297
41265 QLIS_LoginPduContinue: Target not configured for Portal 305
41267 QLIS_LoginPduContinue: Target not found. Target name: 307
41268 QLIS_LoginPduContinue: Missing target name 308
41270 QLIS_LoginPduContinue: TSIH is 0 but InitiatorName key/value
not provided
41272 QLIS_LoginPduContinue: CONN_STATE_IN_LOGIN, Unknown
41283 QLIS_LoginPduContinue: TSIH 0x%x out of range 323
41284 QLIS_LoginPduContinue: Session does not exist, invalid TSIH
42648 QLIS_HandleTeb: Driver Fatal Error 1688
42649 QLIS_HandleTeb: Unload Driver 1689
42654 QLIS_HandleTeb: iSNS Connection Failed 1694
7 NULL doorbell routine for unloaded drivers. When a driver is unloaded, the
doorbell routine is redirected to this NULL routine.
36 Processing unsupported ordered tag task management command
44 Processing unsupported head-of-queue task management command
98 Unable to create an object for the target device; exceeded the maximum
number of target devices
100 Unable to create an object for the target node; exceeded the maximum num-
ber of target devices
107 Memory unavailable for LUN object
117 Unable to create an object for initiator object; exceeded the maximum num-
ber of initiators
Table C-4. Application Module—Error Log Messages (Continued)
ID Log Message No.