Retrotec Energy Innovations, Ltd.
DM-2A Mark II 2008-02-22
Using Time Average
3. The time averaging feature calculates the average pressure over a given time period.
Pressing the tiMe avg keypad button enables you to cycle through the range of
time-averaging intervals: Off, 1s, 2s, 4s, 8s, 10s, 20s, 1m, and 2m (where s represents
seconds and m represents minutes). The current time average interval is displayed in
the display window below the Time label (as shown next). Press the tiMe avg keypad
button once and notice that the pressure values change according to the current
time average setting.
Using Auto Zero
4. Press the autO ZeRO keypad button once to activate the feature. Your gauge will
periodically produce an audible clicking sound. When autO ZeRO is active,
your gauge’s solenoids will automatically be reset every ten seconds. Your gauge
display indicates the Auto Zero On or Off state below the Zero label in the upper-right
corner of the screen (as shown next). Press the autO ZeRO keypad button to turn off
the feature.
DM-2A Mark II Dual-Channel Pressure Gauge User Manual
4: Basic Operations