
Retrotec Energy Innovations, Ltd.
DM-2A Mark II 2008-02-22
7. Press the enteR keypad button and input either the Envelope Area or the Net Floor
Area as follows:
•The Envelope Area if you wish to display Air Permeability as specified in the
•The Net Floor Area is you wish to display Specific Leakage Rate as specified in
the standard.
8. Press the @ pReSSuRe button to display the Flow @ 50.0 Pa, Air Changes @ 50.0 Pa, and
either Air Permeability or Specific Leakage Rate @ 50.0 Pa.
9. Results may be read directly from the DM-2A mark II.
10. In order to record both Air Permeability and Specific Leakage Rate, you will
need to re-enter the Envelope Area and Net Floor Area values according to your
measurements and/or calculations.
DM-2A Mark II Dual-Channel Pressure Gauge User Manual
A: Specific Configurations