Serial (RS-232) Controls and Operation
142 AX2550 Motor Controller User’s Manual Version 1.9b. June 1, 2007
drivers. The values are unsigned Hexadecimal numbers ranging from 0 to 255. To convert
these numbers into a voltage figure, use the formulas described in “Internal Voltage Moni-
toring Sensors” on page 68.
Syntax: ?e or ?E
Reply: nn
Where: nn = main battery voltage value
mm = internal 12V voltage value
The hexadecimal format is intended to be deciphered by a microcontroller. When exercis-
ing the controller manually, refer to the Decimal to Hexadecimal conversion table on
page 167.
Query Digital Inputs
This query will cause the controller to return the state of the controller’s two accessory
inputs (inputs E and F) and the state of the Emergency Stop/Inverted input. See “Connect-
ing Sensors and Actuators to Input/Outputs” on page 55 for information on how to wire
and use these signals. The returned values are three sets of two digits with the values 00
(to indicate a 0 or Off state), or 01 (to indicate a 1 or On state).
Syntax: ?i or ?I
Reply: nn
Where: nn = Input E status
mm = Input F status
oo = Estop/Invert Switch Input status
?I Read Input status query
01 Controller replies, Input E is On
00 Input F is Off
01 Emergency stop switch is high (not triggered)
Note: the Input E value is not meaningful on the AX2850 or on the AX2550 with Encoder
module and should be discarded.
Reset Controller
This command allows the controller to be reset in the same manner as if the reset button
were pressed. This command should be used in exceptional conditions only or after chang-
ing the controller’s parameters in Flash memory so that they can take effect.
Syntax: %rrrrrr
Reply: None. Controller will reset and display prompt message