AX2550 Motor Controller User’s Manual 175
Programmable Parameters List
This table shows only the parameters that can be programmed using the switches
and display. Other less commonly used parameters exist and are only accessible and pro-
grammable using the Configuration Utility (page 177) or the RS232 commands (page 143).
TABLE 35. Parameters accessible using the controller’s switches and display
Order Letter Description Possible Values (default)
1 I Input Command
(0) = R/C Radio mode (default)
1 = RS232 full duplex, no watchdog
2 = RS232 half duplex, with watchdog
3 = Analog mode
page 109
page 131
page 123
2 C Motor Control mode (0) = Separate A, B, speed control, open
loop (default)
1 = Mixed A & B, speed control, open loop
For safety reasons, the modes below
cannot be selected using the switches.
2 = Speed control on A, open loop. Posi-
tion control on B
3 = A & B Position control
4 = Separate A, B, speed control, closed
5 = Mixed A & B, speed control, closed
6 = Speed control on A, closed loop. Posi-
tion control on B
page 42
3AAmp limit 0 = 30A
1 = 45A
2 = 60A
3 = 75A
4 = 90A
(5) = 105A default
6 = 120A
Amps may be set with a finer resolution
using the PC utility
page 44
4 S Acceleration 0 = very slow
1 = slow
(2) = medium (default)
3 = medium
4 = fast
5 = fastest
Acceleration may be set with a finer resolu-
tion using the PC utility
page 47