Serial (RS-232) Controls and Operation
144 AX2550 Motor Controller User’s Manual Version 1.9b. June 1, 2007
Reply: + Success, changed parameters are now active
- if error
Table 25 below lists the complete set of configuration parameters that may be accessed
and changed using RS232 commands.
Flash Configuration Parameters List
TABLE 25. Configuration parameters in Flash
Location Description Active after
^00 Input control mode Reset
^01 Motor Control mode and Closed Loop Feedback type Reset or ^FF
^02 Amps limit Reset or ^FF
^03 Acceleration Reset or ^FF
^04 Input Switch function Reset or ^FF
^05 reserved
^06 Joystick Deadband or Analog Deadband Reset or ^FF
^07 Exponentiation on channel 1 Instant
^08 Exponentiation on channel 2 Instant
^09 Reserved
^0A Left / Right Adjust Reset or ^FF
^0B Encoder 1 Time Base when Encoder Present Reset or ^FF
^0C Encoder 2 Time Base when Encoder Present Reset or ^FF
^0D Reserved
^0E Encoder Distance Divider when Encoder Present Reset or ^FF
^0F Gain Integral for PID Reset or ^FF
^10 Gain Diff for PID Reset or ^FF
^11 Gain Prop for PID Reset or ^FF
^12 Joystick Center 1 MS Instant
^13 Joystick Center 1 LS Instant
^14 Joystick Center 2 MS Instant
^15 Joystick Center 2 LS Instant
^16 Joystick Min 1 MS Instant
^17 Joystick Min 1 LS Instant
^18 Joystick Min 2 MS Instant
^19 Joystick Min 2 LS Instant
^1A Joystick Max 1 MS Instant
^1B Joystick Max 1 LS Instant
^1C Joystick Max 2 MS Instant