AX2550 Motor Controller User’s Manual 173
Programming using built-in Switches and Display
Be careful not to confuse the Set and Program button when entering the Program-
ming Mode. Pressing and holding the Set button alone for 10 seconds after reset will
cause the controller to enter in self-test mode. This will cause the motors to be
turned On and Off according the test sequence described in the Self Test section of
this manual. See“Self-Test Mode” on page 53.
Changing parameters
Pressing the Set button while in Programming Mode will cause the value of the parameter
being inspected to be incremented by one. When the maximum valid value is reached,
pressing Set again will cause the value to restart at 0.
When the desired value is displayed, press the Program button to store it in the control-
ler’s non-volatile memory. This will also cause the controller to display the next parameter
and its current value.
Note that a new parameter value will ONLY be saved if the Program button is pressed
after the value has been changed with the Set button.
Additionally, once you have pressed the Set button and begin changing a parameter’s
value, it is not possible to cancel the change. If you wish to leave a parameter value
unchanged after you have started changing it, you must press the Set button again several
times until it goes back to its original value. Alternatively, you can reset or power Off the
controller to prevent the new value to be recorded.
The Special Case of Joystick Calibration
When the Joystick parameter is selected (“J” and “-” flashing), pressing the Set key again
will cause the controller to enter the Radio Control Joystick calibration sequence.
Once the joystick calibration mode is entered, the display will flash “J” and “o”. With the R/
C receiver and transmitter On, move both joysticks to their full forward, full back, full left
and full right positions a few times. This will cause the controller to capture the min. and
max. joystick position values.
Then move the joysticks to their central (rest) positions. Press the Program button to save
these values in the controller’s Flash memory. The min. and max. values saved are these
captured when the joystick was moved around. The center values saved are the position of
the joystick as it was when Program was pressed.
Note that once the Joystick calibration mode is entered, you must go through the com-
plete calibration sequence described above. If the joysticks are not moved, incoherent data
may be saved in the Flash causing the controller to malfunction in the R/C mode. If bad cal-
ibration data is saved in the Flash, try calibrating again by repeating the entire Joystick Pro-
gramming sequence, otherwise you may restore the factory defaults (this will cause all
parameters you have changed to be restored to their default values as well)
The Joystick calibration operation is fully described in the R/C mode chapter. See “Left /
Right Tuning Adjustment” on page 49.
Restoring factory defaults
Should you, for any reason, require to reset the AX2550 controller to its factory default
value, press and hold the Program and Set button together for 10 seconds while resetting