WRITE BUFFER 6.Command Specification
SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0
Buffer Offset: The buffer offset field contains the byte offset within the specified buffer from which data will be
transferred to. The initiator will conform to the offset boundary requirements returned in the WRITE BUFFER
descriptor. If this field is not set to a four-byte boundary, it will return a CHECK CONDITION status with an
ILLEGAL REQUEST sense key and set the Additional Sense Code to ILLEGAL FIELD IN CDB.
Parameter List Length: This field specifies the maximum number of bytes that will be transferred during the
Data-Out phase. The initiator will attempt to ensure that the Parameter List Length does not exceed the buffer
capacity. If this does occur, the drive returns a CHECK CONDITION status with an ILLEGAL REQUEST sense
key .The capacity of the buffer can be determined from the Buffer capacity field in the Read Buffer descriptor. The
Parameter List Length must be greater than four and be aligned to a four-byte boundary (except in data only
mode), Otherwise, the drive will return a CHECK CONDITION status with an ILLEGAL REQUEST sense key set.