4-2 SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0
4.2. Operator Action
4.2.1. Powering up the Drive
After the initial installation of the drive has been verified, power can be applied to the unit. The +12V and +5V
power must be applied simultaneously. (See Figure 2-5) The drive will execute a power-up diagnostic and then
comes ready.
Once the tape has been loaded the drive sends a CHECK CONDITION response on receipt of the next SCSI
command from the host. The UNIT ATTENTION key is set in the returned REQUEST SENSE data to indicate that
the tape may have been changed. (Sense Key/ASC/ASCQ = 06/28/00)
4.2.2. Inserting Cassettes
The operator inserts a cassette into the slot on the front panel. As the cassette is inserted, the drive takes it and
automatically loads it into the drive mechanism. The drive performs a tape load sequence as described in clause
4.2.3. Removing Cassettes
The cassette can be removed from the drive either in response to a SCSI UNLOAD command, or by pressing the
Eject button. The operator uses the Eject button to initiate the unload sequence (see clause 4.3.2). The
mechanism rewinds the tape to Beginning of Media (BOM), unthreads it, and ejects the cassette from the slot.
The operation of the Eject button is disabled if the host has previously sent a SCSI PREVENT ALLOW MEDIA
REMOVAL command with prevent bit set to one. In this case, pressing the Eject button has no effect, and
does not initiate an Unload sequence. The operation of the Eject button returns to normal operation following
receipt of an PREVENT ALLOW MEDIA REMOVAL command with prevent bit clear.
4.2.4. Hard Reset Hole
In case of emergency, you can immediately reset the drive itself by pushing the switch in the “Hard Reset Hole”
with the tip of a pin. However, there is a risk of losing data upon execution of this operation in the Write or Read
mode. The hardware reset operation is only for manufacturing and repair purposes.
4.2.5. Write-Protecting Cassettes
The cassettes can be write-protected by sliding the tab on the back of the cassette open. In this state, data can be
read from the tape but not written to it.
Hard reset hole