SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0 4-3
4.3. Internal Function
4.3.1. The Load Sequence
During load sequence, the following occurs:
(1) The drive mechanism accepts the cassette and threads the tape. The tape is then moved to
Beginning-of-Tape(BOT). If the format is not AIT-3, AIT-3Ex, AIT-4 and AIT-5, the drive rewinds the tape to
BOT and awaits an UNLOAD command.
(2) Finally the drive goes on-line.
4.3.2. The Unload Sequence
The drive will always write any buffered data out to tape followed by an EOD prior to initiating the Unload
During this sequence the tape is rewound to BOT and, if the tape is write-enabled, the copy of the tape log held in
RAM is written back to tape. The tape is then rewound to BOM and the tape unthreaded from the mechanism. At
this stage the tape is either retained in the drive or ejected, depending on media removal is enabled by the
Prevent Allow Media Removal command.
4.3.3. Power-Fail or SCSI Reset Handling
If there is a power-fail, the drive performs the following actions, and reverts to its default configuration:
(1) The drive remains positioned at the point where the power-fail or SCSI Reset occurred.
(2) It executes the Power-Up sequence of self-tests. (When power is restored.)
(3) The drive returns a CHECK CONDITION status for the first command after the power-fail or Reset. The next
command from the initiator should be a REQUEST SENSE. The drive will return sense data including a
sense key that will indicate that the drive has been reset. (Sense Key / ASC / ASCQ = 06/29/00)