7.Drive Diagnostics
7-2 SONY AIT-5 drive SDX-1100V series Ver.1.0
If an error is detected during power-up, the drive will return a CHECK CONDITION status to the host on the
command received first. The host shall issue a REQUEST SENSE command to determine the cause of the
CHECK CONDITION status. The Sense data returned by the drive will have a Sense Key of 6 (Unit Attention) and
the ASC/ASCQ will be 29 80 (Drive failed power or test or diagnostic). The host can then issue a RECEIVE
DIAGNOSTIC RESULT command to the drive in order to identify the specific diagnostic test that failed and the
failure error code.
The drive should be checked by a qualified person to determine what action should be taken.
7.2.2. SEND DIAGNOSTIC command - Self Test
The host computer can request that the drive perform a Self Test on itself to verify that it is functioning normally.
The Self Test bit in the SEND DIAGNOSTIC command is set to ONE, and the Parameter List Length is ZERO.
This initiates the Self Test Diagnostic which is similar to the Power-on self test except that non-destructive RAM
testing is substituted for the destructive RAM tests.
If an error is detected during this test, the drive will return a CHECK CONDITION status to the host. The host shall
issue a REQUEST SENSE command to determine the cause of the CHECK CONDITION status. The Sense data
returned by the drive will have a Sense Key of 4 (Hardware Error) and the ASC/ASCQ will be 44 00 (Internal
Target Failure). The host can then issue a RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULT command to the drive in order to
identify the specific diagnostic test that failed and the failure error code.
The drive should be checked by a qualified person to determine what action should be taken.
7.2.3. SEND DIAGNOSTIC command - Individual Test
The SEND DIAGNOSTIC command also provides the capability to run each of the diagnostic tests individually. In
order to identify the diagnostic test to be executed, the SEND DIAGNOSTIC command should be configured as
Self Test bit = 0
Device Off-line bit = 0
Unit Off-line bit = 1
Parameter List Length = 5 or 9 (see below)
The Page Format (PF) bit is ZERO and the Parameter List Length is 5, the Parameter List in this case is 5 bytes
long and will be of the form:
Table 7-1: SEND DIAGNOSTIC Parameter If PF bit is ZERO
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
0 Diagnostic Test number
1 Break Loop Count
2 Parameter A
3 Parameter B
4 Parameter C