10 Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Troubleshooting Guide • December 2003
■ The /etc/name_to_major file is missing an entry for the /dev/rdc
pseudo-link. This example shows a valid entry (the number following rdc can be
any number):
■ The /usr/kernel/drv/rdc.conf file is incomplete. This example shows a
valid entry:
Checking the Integrity of the Link
After you determine that the rdc service is ready, check the integrity of the TCP/IP
link. As part of the installation process, you entered the primary and secondary host
names and IP addresses of the machines where the software is installed in the
/etc/hosts file. Make sure this file contains the same information on the primary
and secondary hosts because the software is bidirectional. The software uses these
hosts to transfer data.
Simple tests to check link integrity include the following:
■ Use the telnet or rlogin commands to connect to the hosts.
■ Use the ifconfig command to check your network interfaces.
■ Use the ping command to make sure packets are being transmitted.
■ Use the snoop or atmsnoop commands to make sure the software is copying
Note – The dsstat command displays volume information The sndradm -H
command displays link I/O statistics.
# grep rdc /etc/name_to_major
rdc 239
# grep pseudo /usr/kernel/drv/rdc.conf
name="rdc" parent="pseudo";