Chapter 3 Error Messages 31
Join failed
PITC Could not join shadow volume back to the set. Possible
EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-
bounds. File a bug against iiadm.
ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory.
DSW_EEMPTY: A volume was missing on the command
DSW_ENOTFOUND: The set could not be found in the
DSW_ENOTEXPORTED: The set to which the user is
trying to join the volume is not in the exported state.
DSW_EINVALBMP: The bitmap volume is not big
enough to handle the master volume.
DSW_ERSRVFAIL: The kernel module was unable to
access the bitmap volume.
DSW_EOPEN: The kernel module was unable to access
the shadow volume.
List failed
PITC Could not get a list of volumes from the kernel.
Possible errors:
EFAULT: The kernel module tried to read out-of-
bounds. File a bug against iiadm.
ENOMEM: The kernel module ran out of memory when
attempting to perform the operation.
local tag "<ltag>" is longer than
RM The l.<hostname> tag generated for the ctag to use
to mark the remote mirror set as local is too long. This
results if a long host name is returned from the call to
Master and bitmap are the same
PITC During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the
master volume and the bitmap volume are the same.
Master and shadow are the same
PITC During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the
master volume and the shadow volume are the same
Master volume is already an
overflow volume
PITC During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the
volume specified as the master is already in use as an
overflow volume.
Master volume is not a character
PITC During an enable operation, iiadm discovered that the
master volume is a block device and not a character or
raw device.
master volume name must start with
PITC The master volume must exist in the /dev directory
Memory allocation error
PITC iiadm ran out of memory.
TABLE 3-1 Error Messages for the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software (Continued)
Error Message From Meaning