26 Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software Troubleshooting Guide • December 2003
Disable pending on diskq %s, try
again later
Kernel A request to disable the disk queue is already in
progress. Verify that the previous request has
completed successfully. If it has, this request is no
longer valid. If it has not, wait for it to complete
unsuccessfully before attempting to disable the disk
disk service, <ctag>, is active on
node "<hostname>" Please re-issue
the command on that node
RM The remote mirror set being operated on is not active
on the current node in the cluster.
disk service, %s, is active on node
"%s"; Please re-issue the command
on that node
PITC The iiadm command must be issued on the other
node of the cluster. The disk group that the user is
attempting to operate on is not active on the node
where the iiadm command was issued.
diskq name is longer than <MAX>
RM The device specified for the disk queue volume is too
long for remote mirror to accept.
disk queue <diskq2> does not match
<diskq1> skipping set
RM The user tried to enable a set into a group that has a
disk queue, but the user specified a disk queue that
does not match the group’s disk queue.
diskqueue <diskq> is incompatible
RM The user tried to enable a set into a group that has a
disk queue, but the user specified a disk queue that
does not match the group’s disk queue.
Disk queue %s is already in use
Kernel The volume for the disk queue being added to the set
or group is already in use as a data volume, bitmap
volume, or disk queue. Use a different volume for the
disk queue.
Disk queue %s operation not
possible, set is in replicating
Kernel The user attempted to perform disk queue
maintenance on a set while the set is replicating.
Disk queue does not exist for set
%s:%s ==> %s:%s
Kernel The user attempted to perform disk queue
maintenance on a set that does not have a disk queue.
disk queue <diskq> is incompatible
with existing queue
RM The user tried to enable a set into a group that has a
disk queue, but the user specified a disk queue that
does not match the group’s disk queue.
disk queue <diskq> is not in disk
group "<ctag>"
RM The user tried to enable a disk queue that does not
reside in the same cluster resource group in which the
volume and bitmap reside.
Disk queue operations on
synchronous sets not allowed
Kernel An attempt to enable a sync set with a disk queue, or
to add a disk queue to a sync set, has been made. Sync
sets cannot have disk queues attached to them.
TABLE 3-1 Error Messages for the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software (Continued)
Error Message From Meaning