Chapter 3 Error Messages 21
Bitmap reconfig failed %s:%s
Kernel A request to reconfigure the bitmap on the local host
has failed. This can happen for two reasons:
• The old bitmap cannot be read from to obtain
needed information.
• The new bitmap cannot be reserved because the
volume is not accessible or is already in use. Verify
that the new bitmap volume is accessible and is not
already in use.
bitmap <vol> is already in use by
StorEdge Network Data Replicator
RM The volume requested as a bitmap for the remote
mirror set is already configured to be used by the
remote mirror software.
bitmap <vol> is in use by Instant
RM The volume requested as a remote mirror bitmap
volume is already configured to be a volume used by
the point-in-time copy software.
bitmap <vol> is in use by SCSI
Target Emulation
RM The volume requested as a remote mirror bitmap
volume is already configured for use by STE (SCSI
Target Emulation).
Bitmap volume is already an
overflow volume
PITC The volume that was specified as the bitmap volume
during an enable operation is already being used by
another set as an overflow volume.
Bitmap volume is not a character
PITC The volume that was specified as the bitmap volume
during an enable operation is a block device and not a
character device.
bitmap volume name must start with
PITC The volume that was specified as the bitmap volume
during an enable or import operation does not start
with /dev.
both <phost> and <shost> are local
RM The set specifies the same host as both primary and
secondary. The primary and secondary hosts must be
Cannot add %s:%s ==> %s:%s to
group %s
Kernel The set being added to a group cannot be added.
Typically, this happens because the set being added is
of a different type (sync or async) than the sets already
in the group.
Cannot change disk queue %s, Must
be in logging mode
Kernel A disk queue cannot be added to or removed from a
set if it is not in logging mode. Place the set into
logging mode and then attempt to add or remove the
disk queue.
Can not check volume against mount
PITC The iiadm operation attempted to determine whether
a volume on the command line belongs to a mounted
filesystem . The test for this has failed.
TABLE 3-1 Error Messages for the Sun StorEdge Availability Suite 3.2 Software (Continued)
Error Message From Meaning