xiv VSM GUI Getting Started Guide • July 2007 Rev A • 312651601
Customer-initiated Maintenance
Customer-initiated maintenance begins with a telephone call from you to Sun
Microsystems StorageTek Support. You receive immediate attention from qualified
personnel, who record problem information and respond with the appropriate level of
To contact Sun Microsystems StorageTek Support about a
1. Use the telephone and call:
800.872.4786 (1.800.USA.4Sun)
800.722.4786 (Canada)
For international locations, go to
for the appropriate telephone number
2. Describe the problem to the call taker. The call taker will ask several questions and
will either route your call to or dispatch a support representative.
If you have the following information when you place a service call, the process will be
much easier:
■ Account name
■ Site location number
■ Contact name
■ Telephone number
■ Equipment model number
■ Device address
■ Device serial number (if known)
■ Urgency of problem
■ Fault Symptom Code (FSC)
■ Problem description
Sun’s Worldwide Offices
You may contact any of Sun’s worldwide offices to discuss complete storage, service,
and support solutions for your organization. You can find address and telephone
number information on Sun’s external Web site at: