312651601 • Rev A Chapter 2 Installing and Configuring the VSM GUI 9
/cdrom/Samples.win C2ZONES.samp DOS text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples.win I1DDDEFS.samp DOS text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples.win I3ALLOC.samp DOS text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples.win I5RCV.samp DOS text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples.win I7APPLY.samp DOS text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples.win I9ACCEPT.samp DOS text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples.win NTSVGUI.samp DOS text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples.win U1RCV.samp DOS text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples.win U3ACCEPT.samp DOS text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/Samples.win V2APPLY.samp DOS text file representation of
sample JCL member
/cdrom/VGUI62.gimzip GIMPAF.XML SMPNTS control file
/cdrom/VGUI62.gimzip GIMPAF.XSL SMPNTS control file
/cdrom/VGUI62.gimzip SMPHOLD SMPNTS control file
/cdrom/VGUI62.gimzip SMPPTFIN SMPNTS control file
/cdrom/VGUI62.gimzip SMPRELF SMPNTS control file
SMPNTS binary file of SMPHOLD
SMPNTS binary file of SAS/C
control statements
SMPNTS binary file of HTTPD
PTF control statements
SMPNTS binary file of HTTPD
PTF control statements
SMPNTS binary file of SAS/C PTF
control statements
SMPNTS binary file of VSM GUI
control statements
SMPNTS binary file of HTTPD
PTF control statements
SMPNTS binary file of HTTPD
PTF control statements
SMPNTS binary file of HTTPD
control statements
TABLE 2-5 VSM GUI 6.2.0 Product Installation CD-ROM Contents
Directory File Name Description